Snagging inspections: We carry out a thorough inspection of your home in Turkey and help you to present the results of the inspection to your builder, so they can rectify the faults. Dealing with companies like Odek Seabreeze, Sunset Bay, Sunset Apartments, Seaside Park, Beach Residence, Seaview in Gulluk, Signature Resorts - Horizon Sky in Iasos, Artev Global in Tuzla, Apollonium, Flamingo Country Club, Lakeside Gardens, Royal Heights and Turquoise and the like.

Knowledge: Our inspectors know standards that the warranty providers impose on new homes and are therefore able to use their own standards against them. To ensure defects are corrected. And at the developers expense.
Building Company: The people who built your house are certainly not the best people to issue you a snagging report. They simply do not have the motivation to find problems with the apartment of villa in the Bodrum area of Turkey.
Snagging Report example: Please contact us for an example snagging list for you apartment in Turkey.
References: We have carried out snagging for the Turkish Mortgage company and many other satisfies companies who would be please to give a reference.
Our Price: For just £125, we visit your apartment or villa in the Bodrum area, for the initial inspection. A full report will be sent to you and the building company, including photos of any snagging issues.
When the work have been completed by the building company, we will then revisit the property to ensure the issues have been dealt with satisfactorily.
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